Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year

Wishing You a Happy New Year.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

10 Ways to Drive Traffic to You

1. Add extra subjects to your web site. Most free ad sites only allow you to submit your web site to one category. This'll allow you to submit it to many.

2. Increase the perceived value of your product by making your offer scarce. You could use limited time bonuses, low prices, low quantities, etc.

3. Find out your competitions' weakness and use it as your "Unique Selling Proposition". It's the reason why people buy your products and not theirs.

4. Sell your products or services to a specific niche market. For example, instead of selling your fishing book to all fisherman, target it toward fly fisherman.

5. Test your advertising and marketing. You'll save time, money and big headaches promoting the right offer to the right group of people.

6. Persuade visitors to buy your product by telling them the future. Tell them what'll happen with their life in the future if they buy or don't buy.

7. Offer a free trial of your product for a set period of time. Don't charge or bill them until they decided to buy it. This'll take away any risk they have.

8. Create other web sites that draw your initial target audience. Then you can lead your prospects to your main web site by linking to your other web sites.

9. Inform people about your site or freebie through e-mail announce lists. You can find them by typing" e-mail announce lists" in any search engine.

10. Tell your visitors what they can avoid by buyingyour product or service will motivate them to buy.They may want to avoid pain, fear, danger, etc.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

5 More Ways To Make Money From The Net

The down economy has forced more people to find ways to make extra income. Unfortunately even finding part time jobs is tough to do. However one good thing is the Internet offers numerous ways to earn extra money from home.

Most of these do not require special education or training and almost anyone can learn how to do it. In this article we will talk about how to earn extra money from home quickly in various ways.

1. Join a network marketing opportunity. This is a great way to quickly earn money because you can retail products and make commissions on all of your sales.

Depending on the compensation plan of the network marketing company you can get paid very quickly for your sales. Some companies are now paying on a weekly basis for retail sales - MyWorldPlus is a great example of this.

2. Start your own business as an affiliate marketer. You can join affiliate marketing companies for free and it only takes a couple of minutes.

There are many examples of people making sales the same day they start. The nice thing about earning extra money from home this way is all of your products and marketing materials are given to you so you can get started right away.

3. Join instant affiliate commission programs. There are affiliate programs that now fund your PayPal account instantly when you make a sale.

This means you do not have to wait to receive your money. Information products work extremely well for these instant commission programs. 20 Ways To Make $100 A Day is a product I have a lot of success with. You do however have to purchase the product first for $27, but then you are eligible to sell the ebook yourself and when you make a sale your PayPal account is credited immediately.

4. Start you own blog. This can be a lot of fun as well as a great way to earn some extra money and do it right from the comfort of your own home.

You can sell affiliate products on your blog which is a fast way to make money. You can also join the Google Adsense program and get paid when people click on the ads provided by Google.

You may have seen blogs with Google ads on them. Making money this way requires you to build traffic to your blog, but it is an extremely easy way to earn extra money.

If you do not know how to get started then take a look at the Affiliate Power Group where you will get help every step of the way to earn an income online with Affiliate Marketing.

5. Write blog articles for other bloggers. There are millions of blogs that need content right now and the owners would pay you to write for them.

You can get paid upfront for the articles you will write. You are only limited by your ability to find customers and get the work done. However this can take off very quickly if you are a good writer.

These are a few ideas on how to earn extra money from home. The Internet offers many opportunities including these five.