Friday, October 26, 2012

"The universal regard for money is the one hopeful fact in our civilization. Money is the most important thing in the world. It represents health, strength, honor, generosity and beauty. Not the least of its virtues is that it destroys base people as certainly as it fortifies and dignifies noble people." -- George Bernard Shaw

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Here are 9 great tips to help increase traffic to your site.

1. Checklists-Create a list of things to check for a particular process related to your business's topic. Ex: a checklist for creating a web site.

2. Templates-Design a template that will make a certain action easier for your target audience. Ex:a template for writing a resume.

3. Text Workbook-Publish a text format ebook so your audience can learn and practice a certain skill. Ex: a text workbook for writing ad headlines.

4. Transcripts-Create an ebook of text transcripts of a related live event. It can be a seminar, speech,class, interview, etc.

5. Dictionary Of Terms-Publish a web directory or ebook dictionary of terms relating to your specific business industry or subject.

6. Advice Service-Offer a live chat room were you or your employees can give your visitors and customers advice on your business topic.

7. Human Research-Offer a free service were you will search for sites or information your visitors or customers can't seem to find online.

8. Plans-Create ready-made plans for a particular project your target audience wants to accomplish. It could be marketing plans, landscape plans, etc.

9. Forms-Offer printable, ready-made forms your visitors or customers would use regularly. It could be legal forms, organizational forms, etc.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ten New Marketing Ideas for New Business
1. Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic. Give
people the option of adding the directory to their web site
by linking to it. Put your business advertisement at the top
of the director's home page. This technique will get lots of
people to link to your web site and give your free advertising.

2. Do you have a product or service that doesn't sell good?
Offer it as a free bonus for someone else's product or service.
Get free advertising by placing your web site or business ad
on the product or in the product package.

3. Trade auto responder ads with other businesses. If both of
you send out information with auto-responders just exchange
a small classified ad to put at the bottom or top of each other's
 auto responder message.

4. Start a free tip line. Offer a free daily, weekly, or monthly tip
recorded on your voice mail. The tips should be related to your
business. Include your ad for your web site or business at the
beginning or end of your message.

5. Exchange content with other web sites and e-zines. You could
trade articles, top ten lists, etc. Both parties could include a
resource box at the end of the content.

6. Offer to insert ads into your product package for other businesses.
Just ask, in return that they do the same for your business. You
should only trade insert ads with businesses that have the same
target audience.

7. Offer a free daily class in your web site's chat room. The class
should be related to the subject of your business or web site.
This will get people to visit your web site everyday.

8. Do you have a product that doesn't sell good? Offer it as
a free bonus for another businesses product or service. You'll get
free advertising by placing your web site or business ad on the
free bonus.

9. Place different emotional response ads for the same product or
service all over your web site. One ad may hit their hot button to
buy more than another ad.

10. Publish your e-zine in e-book format. You could offer a larger
number of articles per issue. It also allows you to include graphics
with your e-zine. Your advertising revenue would increase because
you could charge businesses for large
colour ads.

Thanks for your time today,

We appreciate you and we'll see you again soon.
Have a fantastic day!

To Your Success,

Rosalie and James

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tips, Discover How You Can Change Your Life with Enhanced Self Motivation
Rosalie and James here from

With improved self motivation what can you not achieve? Give yourself
a self assessment check and move your life on. Feel empowered, excited
and inspired enough to chase your dreams. Feel how your self esteem and
your life is enhanced by your new found energy and enthusiasm.
What will improved self motivation mean for you?
 Make that first step into your bright future
 Create a better future for yourself
 A greater determination to get things done
 Build on and augment previous successes
 Realize possibilities, new and old
 Learn to dream again - with the thought of achievement
 Start setting yourself goals and achieving them
 Get excited by the road ahead
 Take ownership of your own life
 Build on small successes to really achieve
 Leave behind those things holding you back
Where does self assessment fit in?
 Look at yourself in a new light
 Learn more about yourself
 Look at your interests
 Look at your skills and talents
 Look at your personality and values
 Find out more about what you like or dislike
 Find out more about your strengths and weaknesses
 Work on improving your life with your renewed motivation
Thanks for your time today,
We appreciate you and we'll see you again soon.
Have a fantastic day!

To Your Success,

Rosalie and James

Friday, October 12, 2012

 Promote Your Blog!

1. Holding a contest or sweepstakes is an proven way to promote your web site. You can announce your site to hundreds of web sites that list free contests and sweepstakes. Send out a press releases about your contest or sweepstakes. Ask entrants to your contestor sweepstakes if they would accept offers from your business in the future by e-mail.

2. Use online chat rooms to promote your web site.Find the right chat room where your targeted audience would gather. Announce to everyone in the chat room something interesting or free that's offered on your web site. This will draw visitors to your web site.Always be aware of chat room rules before engaging the visitors in a sales pitch that could be considered spam.

3. Cross promote your web site with other sites. I try to find other web sites. that have the same target audience, but are not in direct competition with my business. Doing cross promotions with other businesses increases your profits, sales, and beat your competition.You can find businesses to cross promote all over the Internet.

4. You can easily promote your web site by using traffic generators. It could be a free e-zine, service, e-book, contest etc. Giving away traffic generators gives you the opportunity to get free advertising by including your ad on them. There are online directories that will also let you submit your freebie information. You can even let other people give away your traffic generators.

5. Posting messages to e-mail discussion lists is a greatway to promote your web site An e-mail discussion list is a group of people connected together via e-mail that can communicate with one another. When you post a message to a list include your signature file at the end. Include an attention getting sentence why they should visit your web site.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Site.

1. Add extra subjects to your web site. Most free ad sites only allow you to submit your web site to one category. This'll allow you to submit it to many.

2. Increase the perceived value of your product by making your offer scarce. You could use limited time bonuses, low prices, low quantities, etc.

3. Find out your competitions' weakness and use it as your "Unique Selling Proposition". It's the reason why people buy your products and not theirs.

4. Sell your products or services to a specific niche market. For example, instead of selling your fishing book to all fisherman, target it toward fly fisherman.

5. Test your advertising and marketing. You'll save time, money and big headaches promoting the right offer to the right group of people.

6. Persuade visitors to buy your product by telling them the future. Tell them what'll happen with their life in the future if they buy or don't buy.

7. Offer a free trial of your product for a set period of time. Don't charge or bill them until they decided to buy it. This'll take away any risk they have.

8. Create other web sites that draw your initial target audience. Then you can lead your prospects to your main web site by linking to your other web sites.

9. Inform people about your site or freebie through e-mail announce lists. You can find them by typing" e-mail announce lists" in any search engine.

10. Tell your visitors what they can avoid by buyingyour product or service will motivate them to buy.They may want to avoid pain, fear, danger, etc.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How To Get The Most From Your 
Free eBook Marketing Campaign

First, your ebook needs to have an attractive title.
The title should grab the attention of your intended
target audience. The more appealing the title, the
more your ebook will be downloaded.
Your ebook needs to have quality content. You
can write your own content or ask permission to
use another author's content. Your ebook will be
read more if the content is original.
You will want to put your ad on the title page or
on the table of contents. This will give the most
exposure for your web site or the products you're
It's important to put your ebook in as many formats
as possible. Most ebook software only allows the
ebook to be read by certain browers and software.
People may not take the time to download a new
software program in order to read your ebook.
Other versions of your ebook could be in HTML,
auto responder and downloadable text format.
You can contact other business owners and ask
them if they would like to include their ad in your
ebook. Just ask them in return to advertise your
free ebook on their web site or in their e-zine for
a set period of time. This method will get your
free ebook marketing campaign off to a fast start.
Allow the people who download your ebook to
give it away to their visitors. This will multiply
your free ebook's exposure. Submit your ebook 
to the growing number of free ebook directories
on the internet. 
These web sites also offer more information about
ebook marketing. Some of them also have ebook
discussion forums where you can ask questions
and learn more about ebook marketing.

Monday, October 8, 2012

People have been trying to find new ways of creating internet income for  many years now. Unfortunately, lots of others have been turned off from attempting to profit from their time spent online because they believe that the only ways to do so are corrupt or shallow. The good news is that there are actually tons of legitimate ways to make the Internet work for you, and many of them can even be fun!
Contrary to what a lot of shady websites will tell you, there is no way to get rich quick on the Internet. What you can do, however, is put your talents to use in a way that is valuable to others. One of the most basic ways to do this by is creating content for websites. Whether that means images, articles, essays or any other kind of content, webmasters are constantly looking for ways to make their sites better. You can be an independent freelancer and contact webmasters on your own or join a third-party site that brings you together with clients.

Another great way to generate internet income is to join a site that allows people to outsource easy tasks. One of the most popular sites of this type is Amazon’s Mechanical Turk program. Clients sign up with Mechanical Turk and post odd jobs that they need completed. These jobs can be all kinds of things, from filling out a survey to performing a few internet searches to analyzing a webpage or writing up a transcript from an audio file. Virtually all the tasks can be completed from your computer chair, and payment is typically fast and hassle-free.
If you’re looking to take your pursuits in a more entrepreneurial direction, consider stating make some money be starting your own websiteWebmasters can earn cash in lots of ways, but a couple of the most popular are renting out advertisement space and referring visitors to products and then taking a commission. The former of these two is very easy to set up; once you have your site operational, all you have to do is sign up with a program like Google’s Adsense to start generating earnings right away.
It’s also possible to make money on the Internet from trading stocks or currencies. Lots of brokerages have online platforms, so you never have to leave the comfort of your own home. This method is one of the riskiest and least dependable ways, but if you have experience in the industry, there’s no limit to your earning potential.
The Internet is a great way to supplement your income no matter what you do. If you’ve got enough talent and work hard enough, you may even find yourself earning enough internet income to quit that day job.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Get More From the Net.

The down economy has forced more people to find ways to make extra income. Unfortunately even finding part time jobs is tough to do. However one good thing is the Internet offers numerous ways to earn extra money from home.

Most of these do not require special education or training and almost anyone can learn how to do it. In this article we will talk about how to earn extra money from home quickly in various ways.

1. Join a network marketing opportunity. This is a great way to quickly earn money because you can retail products and make commissions on all of your sales.

Depending on the compensation plan of the network marketing company you can get paid very quickly for your sales. Some companies are now paying on a weekly basis for retail sales - MyWorldPlus is a great example of this.

2. Start your own business as an affiliate marketer. You can join affiliate marketing companies for free and it only takes a couple of minutes.

There are many examples of people making sales the same day they start. The nice thing about earning extra money from home this way is all of your products and marketing materials are given to you so you can get started right away.

3. Join instant affiliate commission programs. There are affiliate programs that now fund your PayPal account instantly when you make a sale.

This means you do not have to wait to receive your money. Information products work extremely well for these instant commission programs. 20 Ways To Make $100 A Day is a product I have a lot of success with. You do however have to purchase the product first for $27, but then you are eligible to sell the ebook yourself and when you make a sale your PayPal account is credited immediately.

4. Start you own blog. This can be a lot of fun as well as a great way to earn some extra money and do it right from the comfort of your own home.

You can sell affiliate products on your blog which is a fast way to make money. You can also join the Google Adsense program and get paid when people click on the ads provided by Google.

You may have seen blogs with Google ads on them. Making money this way requires you to build traffic to your blog, but it is an extremely easy way to earn extra money.

If you do not know how to get started then take a look at the Affiliate Power Group where you will get help every step of the way to earn an income online with Affiliate Marketing.

5. Write blog articles for other bloggers. There are millions of blogs that need content right now and the owners would pay you to write for them.

You can get paid upfront for the articles you will write. You are only limited by your ability to find customers and get the work done. However this can take off very quickly if you are a good writer.

These are a few ideas on how to earn extra money from home. The Internet offers many opportunities including these five.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

More Traffic.

1. Add a message board to your web site. People will visit your web site to ask questions and answer other people's questions.

2. Add a directory of web site links to your website. People will visit your web site to find related web site links for the topic they're interested in.

3. Add an article section to your web site. People will visit your web site to read and learn new info related to their interests.

4. Add an archive of past e-zine issues to your web site. People will visit your web site to read past issues of your e-zine that they've missed.

5. Add a free ebook directory to your web site.People will visit your site to download, study and read new information.

6. Add a free classified ad section. People will visit your web site to place their own free classified ad and to read other offers.

7. Add a free link page to your web site. visit your web site to place their own link andto look at other people's links.

8. Add an "about us" page to your web site. People will visit your web site to read about your business and yourself.

9. Add a guest book to your web site. People will visit your web site to leave their opinions about your business and to list their signature file.

10. Add a free software download page to yourweb site. People will visit your web site to find new software that will make their life easier.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Income From Your Website.


There are many ways to generate income and make money from your web site. I have listed half a dozen below to start you thinking. Come on have a go and get the money coming in.

1. Sell advertising space on your web site. You could sell banner or classified ads. If you want to make more money, sell sponsor ads that get top placement or the best exposure.

2. If you have enough web space, you could rent other people web pages. You could also give them away for free and make money by including your banner ad on the web pages.

3. Charge people a fee to access part of your web site. People will pay you money for your web site content if it's valuable to them. The content can be ebooks, reports, software, etc.

4. Sell your own products or services. They should be related to your target audience. You want to be able to take credit cards on your site and deliver your product to them as fast as possible.

5. Make money selling other people's products and services through affiliate programs. They'll give you a link to all track your sales. You could be paid per sale, click or sign-up.

6. Publish an e-zine from your web site. Have them subscribe to the e-zine right from your web site. You could sell classified or sponsor advertising inside your e-zine.

Monday, October 1, 2012

5 More Ways To Make Money From The Net 

The down economy has forced more people to find ways to make extra income. Unfortunately even finding part time jobs is tough to do. However one good thing is the Internet offers numerous ways to earn extra money from home.

Most of these do not require special education or training and almost anyone can learn how to do it. In this article we will talk about how to earn extra money from home quickly in various ways.

1. Join a network marketing opportunity. This is a great way to quickly earn money because you can retail products and make commissions on all of your sales.

Depending on the compensation plan of the network marketing company you can get paid very quickly for your sales. Some companies are now paying on a weekly basis for retail sales - MyWorldPlus is a great example of this.

2. Start your own business as an affiliate marketer. You can join affiliate marketing companies for free and it only takes a couple of minutes.

There are many examples of people making sales the same day they start. The nice thing about earning extra money from home this way is all of your products and marketing materials are given to you so you can get started right away.

3. Join instant affiliate commission programs. There are affiliate programs that now fund your PayPal account instantly when you make a sale.

This means you do not have to wait to receive your money. Information products work extremely well for these instant commission programs. 20 Ways To Make $100 A Day is a product I have a lot of success with. You do however have to purchase the product first for $27, but then you are eligible to sell the ebook yourself and when you make a sale your PayPal account is credited immediately.

4. Start you own blog. This can be a lot of fun as well as a great way to earn some extra money and do it right from the comfort of your own home.

You can sell affiliate products on your blog which is a fast way to make money. You can also join the Google Adsense program and get paid when people click on the ads provided by Google.

You may have seen blogs with Google ads on them. Making money this way requires you to build traffic to your blog, but it is an extremely easy way to earn extra money.

If you do not know how to get started then take a look at the Affiliate Power Group where you will get help every step of the way to earn an income online with Affiliate Marketing.

5. Write blog articles for other bloggers. There are millions of blogs that need content right now and the owners would pay you to write for them.

You can get paid upfront for the articles you will write. You are only limited by your ability to find customers and get the work done. However this can take off very quickly if you are a good writer.

These are a few ideas on how to earn extra money from home. The Internet offers many opportunities including these five.